>Organic Nascent Iodine (Detoxadine): Take 1 dropper-full 2x daily – in the morning and afternoon. After 30 days, take 2x weekly. 2x weekly apply 1 full dropper to the upper chest area and bronchial area
> Ozonated Activated Charcoal: Take 2 capsules 2x daily on an empty stomach between meals.
> MicroSomal™ Toxin Binder: Take 2 dropper-fulls 2x daily between meals.. Our detox support supplement is made with revolutionary ingredients and innovative technology to help you flush out toxins naturally and improve overall organ function.
> MicroSomal™ Foreign Protein Cleanse: Take 1 dropper-full 2x daily or put in capsules to avoid taste. MicroSomal™ Foreign Protein Cleanse is exquisite, potent and rapid delivery. Carefully formulated to elevate overall well-being, unleash foreign protein debris (Bioweapon Particles), facilitate optimal recovery and sharpen immune prowess..
> MicroSomal™ Calcium Disodium EDTA: Take 1 dropper-full first thing in the morning when you wake up and 1 dropper-full midafternoon on an empty stomach. Take 3 days on and one day off for 30 days, or as your healthcare practitioner recommends.