Marla Maples advocates for healthier food choices for Americans amid RFK Jr. hearings
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on Capitol Hill Wednesday for the confirmation hearing for HHS Secretary, supporters and leaders in the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement gathered to show their support.
Among the supporters was Marla Maples, ex-wife of President Donald Trump and mother of Tiffany Trump. Maples co-founded the Global Wellness Forum.
The organization “unites and empowers groups and activists worldwide, amplifying their efforts to promote health, sovereignty, truth and transparency,” according to its website.
Marla sits down and interviews the incredible Dr. Joel Fuhrman September 2018 at the Art of Living Center in North Carolina.

An excerpt from the article “John F. Kennedy Jr. and George Magazine: A Story of Politics, Love and Loss, 20 Years Later” by the Hollywood Reporter:
“You just had faith that he was going to think out of the box. Most of what I wrote [in the column] was really honest and deep, you know? Closest adviser would obviously be God because that’s who I am, and I love the part about my first act in office — making hate illegal. At the time, Princess Diana was going through so much, and it said, “What foreign problem would you like to solve?” I wrote “Her peace of mind.” But then my publicist said, because I tend to get so serious, “You’ve got to get some comedy in there.” So, “What would you fight the hardest to change?” I responded with “Prenups!”
- Marla Maples “If I Were President” for George Magazine

#LifeisFun #BeALight #grandfatherlessons#ShareJoy #findyourjoy #gratitude#Grandfatherlove #heavenlycelebration#dingdaddylove #manofprayer

Remembering Mom????
????A mothers love is always with you.???? I awoke just before sunrise this morning feeling mom’s presence. She had been with me in my dreams but when I awoke my heart was heavy, longing to have a conversation with her now in this awake state. I reached out to a friend who just lost her father and we shared soulful conversations about the gifts they each gave us and the peace they have now. I took time in silence with a quiet meditation, but still I missed my mom… Then I chose to take a long walk in the cold freezing day and found myself in a neighboring school running the bleacher steps, like I did when I was young and In that moment I could feel mom smiling & having a giggle along with me. ???? So I re-commit to live this life fully… And embrace all the love around us both of this world and in the heavens… And honor those who have moved on by finding our joy, sharing love without fear and remembering that life is meant to be fun! #motherslove#AnnLocklearMaples born Jan 29, 1940