New wave of sickness with Covid!
We have been getting reports of a new wave of sickness which is coming from either the injection shedding, reactions to the shot or a new muted form of Covid.
Symptoms we are now seeing: Nausea (occasional vomiting), fatigue, emotional rollercoaster, coughing – dry, no fever or low fever, stomach issues – not wanting to eat, pain and stiffness in legs, hips and calves, occasional headache, neurological issues, blood clotting, oxygen depletion, menstrual issues. Not feeling like you can finish a workout.
12 Day Quick Recovery Program
Shedding or Shot or 2nd mutation
This is what we are using for 12 Day Recovery. When finished, continue this program 1 day per week to maintain health and longevity.
- Ultimate Probiotic (100 billion CFUs ): Take three capsules, three times daily.
- Detoxadine (Organic Nascent Iodine): Take 4 full droppers (80 drops) by mouth 2x daily. Also rub 1 dropperful over the right lung and 1 dropperful over the left lung and apply 1 dropperful on both inner thighs 1x daily. Rub a small amount over the injection site 6x daily if you have received the injection.
- Vitamin D3 (Organic, Derived from Lichen): Take 20,000 IU twice daily.
- Zinc (Organic, Plant Based): Take 7mg 3x daily
- Turmeric (Organic, w/ Black Pepper): Drink ¼ bottle 3 x daily
- VeganZyme (Digestive Enzymes): Take 3 capsules 1x daily between meals
- Quercetin (Phytosome, Plant Based): Take 250mg 2x daily
- Mycozil (Yeast & Fungal Cleanser): This product contains Jatoba, Anise, Pau D’Arco, Licorice (root), Anise (seed) which contain natural Shikimic acid and suramin which is highly effective. Mycozil also contains Beta Glucanase, Hemicellulase, Fulvic Acid, Brevibacillus laterosporus. Take 3 capsules 2x daily.
- Bio PQQ & CoQ10 with Shilajit (Advanced Antioxidant): Take 2 capsules 2x daily. Protects the mitochondria and helps attack harmful organisms.
- Copper (Cuprous Nicotinic Acid): 1 capsule (.9mg) 2x daily in the morning and evening.
- Supercharged C60 (Potent Antioxidant): 10x more powerful than regular C60: Take 4 capsules, 2x daily.
URGENT! Drink Distilled Water Only
You must drink ¾ to 1 gallon of Distilled water each day when you are doing this program.
#1 Solution for Spike P, MRNA, shedding, shot recovery – Urine Therapy
Before you think this may be crazy or even gross, you must spend a few hours reading this book. This is THE ANSWER!! to any infection or damage from a disease, injection or toxin. Your body produces antibodies to all invading organisms and they come out through your urine. Your body knows what it needs to heal itself and it is contained in the golden nectar of your urine. This is one of the most guarded secrets of the dark forces at work. YES, drinking your own urine will eradicate any health condition you may have…Why do we believe urine is gross? Because we have been brainwashed to believe this.
Directions for use: First morning urine. Wait 5 seconds after starting and then catch about 3-6 ounces mid stream. Drink straight or you can mix in fruit juice and drink.
Read the free PDF book “Your Own Perfect Medicine” by Martha Christie
For Lung or Respiratory congestion:
Nebulizer Instructions: Do this for 6 days straight then take 2 days off. Then repeat if necessary.
Day 1
Detoxadine (Organic Nascent Iodine): Do this in the morning and evening. Fill Nebulizer with Distilled water and add 1 drop of iodine (Detoxadine) Breathe 9 breaths through the mouth and 9 through the nose.
Day 2
3% H202: Do this in the morning and evening. Fill the Nebulizer with 90% Distilled water and 10% 3% H202, breathe 9 breaths through the mouth and 9 through the nose.
Day 3
Nano or Coated or colloidal Silver: Do this in the morning and evening. Fill the Nebulizer with 50% Distilled water and 50% silver. Breathe 9 breaths through the mouth and 9 through the nose.
Natural Health & Wellness
I am a vegan, yet part-time carnivore (lol!), gluten-free, dairy-free, Kosher style eater – and that’s just my diet! Beyond organic food, natural health and wellness is more than just a passion, it’s the core of my lifestyle, beliefs, and values. Grateful to be able to share more about this important foundation of my life with you…

Nutrition for Longevity
N4l meal kits include a minimum of 25 g of fiber. Fiber is known to positively impact cholesterol for the general healthy person. N4L meals uniquely provide your body with 10 servings of phytonutrient dense fruits and vegetables. Phytonutrients are rich in antioxidants and are potentially helpful in reducing the risk of chorionic disease.
Use code: ITSMARLA to receive 10% off your first meal kit.

Red Cabbage Magic
I simply love red cabbage, or what I often call purple cabbage as when it is fully ripe the color is so deep and vibrant. When I was young my mom and I used to chop up the cabbage and toss it in a bowl with thinly sliced onions, vinegar, a little water and a sprinkle of sugar. Today I love it much the same way, marinated in apple cider vinegar and water, sans the sugar. It’s also so good lightly steamed, braised or added to any of your favorite soups. Today I picked the leaves and ate it straight out of the garden. Red cabbage is so good for a healthy gut and works as an amazing probiotic when fermented as in kraut. It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and has anti-cancer properties. My friend the Anthony William also shares more benefits at

Produce Pointers
These are a few of the produce pointers I’ve chosen to live by over the years:
Eat the Rainbow – You’ll get the best variety of nutrients by choosing fresh produce of all colors of the rainbow.
Buy Organic – I make the decision to buy and eat all organic, non-GMO foods anytime and every time possible, so that I know I’m doing my part in limiting my chemical and GMO exposure to the best of my abilities. (Because who really knows right?!)
Buy Organic EXCEPT – I do have one exception to #2. I like to save some money skipping the organic section when it comes to items like avocados, pineapples, bananas, etc. -Basically anything with a thick outer shell/coating, is generally a good rule of thumb as okay, since those natural barriers protect from the pesticides they might have come into contact with.
Use a Veggie Wash – My favorite is actually called “Veggie Wash” and it’s perfect for getting the extra earth off your root veggies, and also works wonders on fruit to remove the waxy/sticky residue from those darned grocery stickers. It’s a natural organic citrus-based spray that has become my staple rinse aid. Give it a shot and see what you think